Thursday, January 24, 2008

How I came to find the Lord...

I feel compelled to relay my testimony for all to read. I am truly joyed at the thought that Christ died for me.

On July 6 2001 when I responded to a domestic dispute… a man with a “gun” at a local convenience store. I was to be first on scene.

I heard Chief Gurr arrive on scene, as I pulled up, I heard gunfire. It was over as I exited; the Chief was dead. He had taken my place.

I took the gift God had given me for granted and crumpled it away like a piece of used paper to be tossed into the garbage. I thought salvation could be tailored to suit my lifestyle… I thought I could live as I wanted. I realized I was wrong… on 1 January 2005 I was involved in a one vehicle accident.

If I had died on this day, I would be in Hell.

Since then I have picked up my Bible and not looked back.

I was led to Christ through my beautiful wife and my oldest son.

I thank God for His patience and for His forgiveness.


Humble wife said...

Bill I am thankful every day that the Lord is patient with us all.

I know that the pain you carry each day is a blessing, because it is a reminder that you will NOT spend eternity gnashing and gnawing.

But I do pray for healing for you. And remember ALL of us in John 3:16...God knew all of us are sinners...praise HIM that this opportunity has been there.

Also...I am so honored to stand beside you as your wife. You are such an example to the children and I on how to serve the Lord. Thank you for EVERYTHING you do, and most of all for not dying. I choke up even typing that.


Susan said...

I always love to hear peoples testimonies.

TO BECOME said...

I, too, am thankful that God saved you. I know that He has great plans for you and will use you mightly as you let him. You will be like Paul with a thorn in your flesh but it will not stop you from doing what the Lord has called you to do. He gave you the greatest of blessing in your wife, I am not sure I know another quiet like her. My prayer is that God will bless you all and I say once again, I am so glad that God gave you that second chance. connie from Texas

Pen of Jen said...

So I am here to slip you a love note. I know that the silly me has to leave little things all over, so here is your Valentines Day love note(and maybe you will enjoy this post 2-14)

First...I love you...funny, so easy to say, but I want you to know why...

You took my heart, and each time you *look* at me you make it flutter!
When you play with the kids, I know that my heart has a safe zone.
When you hug me and tell me I am beautiful, I believe it.
When you listen to me, I know and it makes me feel important.
When I cry, I feel my heart that you hold, tremble...
When I laugh I feel your laughter too.
When I dream, none are without you
When I think of how I didn't even understand love, and still married you...thank God that He knew and has been with us.
I love you, every smile, every look, everything about you...I can not even imagine life if you had not been in mine.
YoU hAvE mAdE AlL the difference in my life!
te quiero mucho

Humble wife said...

Ok, you found the note on the exact day that I wrote it:)

But I am here again rather quickly, to thank you for doing everything you do for me!

I am often in thought that I am so unworthy, then you continue!

Thank you so much!
I love Love Love you!!!


Anonymous said...

Ma Kettle,

I am the unworthy one.


MightyMom said...

you have been tagged.